Meaning of the education can lead to many different ideas for all of us . Actually, It does not matter what it is. There is a general consideration that it is so important for future, now and was important in the past, too. It helps to bring people and the society together. It also builts bridges in a society between past and future. This helps to make mankind to become perfect and conciousness about realities.There are many different ways of learning. Teaching is only one of them. We learn a great deal on our own, at independent study or play. We learn a great deal interacting with others informally like sharing what we are learning with others. We learn a great deal by doing, through errors. Also, we leran that there is apprenticeship that learning how do something by trying it under th
e guidance of one who knows how. For example, one can learn more architecture by having to design and build one's own house than by taking any number of courses on the subject.In the educational process, students should be offered a wide variety of ways to learn, among which they could choose or with which they could experiment. They do not have to learn different things the same way. They should learn at a very early stage of "schooling" that learning how to lear
n with the help they seek but, that is not imposed on them. In addition,there must be techology in education while showing to students the knowledge. The other important in education that needs to be an ongoing process,i feel like this should be the most important goal.In concrete terms, the purpose of an education should be to prepare students for jobs that they will take when they enter the real world, ones that they can choose and ones that will put food on the table. Every child needs a solid background in reading, writing, math, etc., and teachers should try their best to foster a desire for learning to their students, but it is really most important that a student is powered to pick and choose which job they want; this could include pursuing
a college degree or a technical education. They should be familiar with their strengths and weaknesses and learn how to use those to their advantage in the years of following school. While there should be minimum standards for what all children are required learn, education should ultimately lead to better self-awareness and a clear-cut path for success in the real world, in whatever form it takes for each person. I know while you are reading this you can think that in writing to say all of them is easy. But if we want to have a good future and perfect communication with peoples, countries in short that with humankind , we sould keep the education on the top.
2 Nisan 2010 Cuma
Purpose of the School Education and How We Learn?
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