Synesthesia is the blending of the senses. Letters and sounds have color. Numbers have shape. Words have taste and for some Synesthetes, symbols have personalities. Is this really a neurological disorder? Some recognize synesthesia as a great leap in communication where individuals no longer have to rely on internal definitions and prejudices of words to understand meaning through language.
It is so interesting that a sort of a buzzing sound or something the letter A made a certain person hear every time they saw .

And also, the general idea is that synesthesia is involuntary. I think, learning is voluntary. Besides, even if you tried to memorize the colors of numbers or letters, or their personalities, when asked to recall them you would be unable to do so perfectly

As far as scientists can tell at this point in neurological studies, synesthesia comes about because two or more areas of the brain are not as isolated as they normally are,

Synesthesia directed by Terri Timely from Mark Kirby on Vimeo.