We can observe that people seem braver when they are younger. Every idea could be showed easily. Especially being child brings a lot of quality against the small world. They have no fear, children are visionaries. They trust in their imagination and believe that whatever they can conceive, they can achieve it.In addition they can ask everytime without the idea of if there is wrong. Saying the faulties is not problem for them. Also, if they ever have a problem, they can always just run to mom , dad or grandmother , grandfather and one of them or all of them can mollfy it for children. What a beautiful life! :)This not the end. Morever, All they worry about is how much time they will have to play outside or go shopping. They can have a lot of toys which are different each other. It has no matter if they break down the toys because they know that the new one will be brought by their parent. While they are playing with the toys, they are also choosing the new character in every play. Because they are children which means what they want they can do or they can be!In addition, they can eat everything what they want and almost every hour they have a eating time and this is the one of the biggest chance being the child! I have wanted to return my childhood again but it's too late...
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