Although there have been a lot of arguments about protecting women from violence, domestic violence problems, in the societies, places on the newspapers nearly everyday. Many married women highlight that facing the violence is not so far away after the marriage. In addition, there are billions of women who have been under the domestic violence around the world. In other words, many relationships which is begun by the love signatures, is mostly continues by kicking, beating and abusing the woman. The reasons for global domestic violence against women can be seen as having psychological origins and as an outcome of the state in social sphere of the society as well as resulting in biological disorders.
In addition, domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total control over wives! Men think that they can be accepted by and their wives will do everything for them by this way. In their opinion, women will respect them. However, men's can see how theirs wives are belonging with them if they only look their eyes or say some love words. But, they are choosing the evil way to be accepted and many disasters occur because of this severity.
In a domestic violence situation, before a woman is physically assaulted, she will be subject to often hours and hours built up over time, of brainwashing which leads them to believe not only are they so worthless they deserve to be hit. Thus there is no victim because womens are believed to deserve it! What a pity! Nobody deserve such a bad behaviours. Especially women...They are mothers, sisters,maidservants...
In short they are people who care about boys and men. If they are hurt, the society will be hurt from far away! Also, I think if men can be a woman for only one day , they can not live with their shameful behaviours and ideas in the future.
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