I think counselling and other 'talk therapy' is a very important part of overcoming depression and problems. That's not to say that a specific form of counselling is the best, there are quite a few for people. It helps people's problems. Everybody has different problems so counselling can change to one to another. I think, it is so essential for being successful and happy in the life. If one feels bad ideas about her/his future, anything is worth a try for counselling. However, no amount of counseling will work if s/he is not compliant with the program. If s/he is willing to try it, there may be a chance of life working. But s/he has to understand that just going wiil not help. She must be willing to take the advice of the counselor. Sometimes in counseling, s/he has to take a hard look at herself/himself as well.
There are some things that are just better not tell friends. Also, there is guaraantee that the speaking will be known only two of them. Nobody will know it. It is like speaking ourselves,but one sound from not in our body will say some special ways for the problems. You can do it for better life or you can choose do the same behaviours. It is your business, but having some
special ways make you relax. It is wonderful. Of course, counselor has very important role in there. They are the professional listener. If counselling is carried out in a correct manner it would be done in a way that explains to the patient that there are ways to think to transend fear. Many therapy would help patients become more open minded and therefore strong to deal with day to day life better.